PinkLabel.TV | Haut-Médoc Haut Médoc

Parker Marx and Carmina meet up for a particularly special “oenology” lesson. After a few minutes, Carmina decides to take matters into her own hands…

Curator’s Note: PinkLabel.TV is curated by its creator Shine Louise Houston based on a set of criteria that aims to expand our notions of adult film. Our collection includes erotic and adult videos that often exist outside of conventional pornography, whether in depictions of bodies and desires that are underrepresented in commercial porn, through titles with historical cultural relevance, or movies with original concepts and cinematic craft. With these factors taken into consideration, we hope you appreciate the film.

Starring: Carmina, Parker Marx


Tags: 2010’s, closed captioned, condoms, English language, fellatio, French, French captions, fucking, heterosexual, safer sex


Carré Rose Films

Date Added: 2020/12/15

Directed by Carmina

Runtime: 23 min.
Country: France
Language: English with French Subtitles

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  1. Locke

    Selectively deleting my comments, aren’t you?

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